"The most dangerous decision-making fallacy is that informed decision-makers will naturally make better, more objective decisions. Making consistently timely, effective, informed decisions takes hard work. Trust me – it’s worth it. Effective decision-making is the essential common ingredient behind every successful step, initiative, and strategy that people, organizations, and national governments undertake."
OPR's Recovery Framework and Services
"If you are a business leader or business owner, then regaining and delivering sustainable profitability is your top concern. Safely, yes, but safe and out of business is no business at all."
Ozzie Paez - Chief architect of OPR's Recovery framework
Most business leaders are facing mounting uncertainties coping with COVID-19 related disruptions. If you are a business leader or business owner, then regaining and delivering sustainable profitability is your top concern.
OPR's Recovery Framework was engineered to help and empower business leaders and their teams. It helps them cope with uncertainty and adapt to make their business economically viable through sustainable profitability. Contact us now to find out more and set up a conversation.

Supporting business leaders
OPR's Recovery Framework was engineered to help business leaders and their teams find and establish new paths to sustainable profitability.
Our services will help you transform your business into a more aware, adaptable organizations able to cope with unprecedented uncertainty and disruptions.
These efforts are indispensable in turning your business into a more efficient, productive, and competitive enterprise.
The recovery framework and our services focus on you and your team. That's because the COVID economy is making and will make unprecedented demands on leadership.
Focused, fast, and affordable
OPR’s Recovery Framework and services were developed specifically to help business leaders cope and overcome the unprecedented challenges of the COVID economy. This was made possible by our early recognition in January that this virus had the potential of disrupting the global supply chain and leading economies. It means that we’ve done the heavy lifting and legwork, so you and your organization can save time, resources, and capital. In other words, our Recovery Framework and related services are focused, fast, and affordable.
OPR employs agile delivery methodologies to tailor the framework to your needs and organization. We do the initial research for each client and quickly tailor the framework based on COVID related constraints, their situation, and objectives. This approach eliminates much of the initial burden for our clients and frees more time to learn, apply, and exploit the framework’s benefits.
Our services are designed to be delivered and lead in person and through teleconferencing services. We keep safety and existing guidelines in mind, so we expect that most clients will rely on teleconferencing. Each engagement is tailored to the client’s unique needs and circumstances. Our involvement does not end once the initial engagement concludes. We remain available to follow up, guide, and mentor client organizations and leaders in the years ahead.
A sustainable pathway for the COVID economy and beyond
OPR's Recovery Framework was engineered to help business leaders and their teams find and establish new paths to sustainable profitability. Our services will help you transform your business into a more aware, adaptable organizations able to cope with unprecedented uncertainty and disruptions. These efforts are indispensable in turning your business into a more efficient, productive, and competitive enterprise.
The economic impacts of the US government’s response to COVID-19 are unprecedented. The national economy tumbled from its best performance in recent memory to a deep recession in less than ten weeks. As the economy reopens, your business’ future will likely feel radically different from its past and only tenuously connected to its present. Unfortunately, there are no proven playbooks available to guide you and your leadership teams. In this environment, unknowns predominate, and consequential decisions must be made under high uncertainty.
There is a central point of clarity for business leaders amid the uncertain present. Success for you and your business is inseparable from achieving and regaining sustainable profitability. The question that you and your team should be focusing on is – How? We can help you find the answer and adapt it as uncertainties fade and the ‘New Economy’ is revealed.
Our answer to your ‘How?’ centers on a powerful framework and guided journey into your business’ competitive strategy and business model(s). These are the twin pillars on which your business’ success was built upon – And they have likely been battered by the nation’s response to the pandemic.
OPR’s recovery solutions will help you and your team assess your current strategy and business model(s), define necessary changes, and continue adapting as new disruptions emerge. Our framework and guided journey are powerful, practical, and easy to learn, and use. I’ve been applying, testing and fine-tuning their applications for several months. These steps were made possible by OPR’s early involvement, beginning in January, researching the virus and its potential health and economic implications. My first LinkedIn and blog posts on these subjects were published in early February.