"The most dangerous decision-making fallacy is that informed decision-makers will naturally make better, more objective decisions. Making consistently timely, effective, informed decisions takes hard work. Trust me – it’s worth it. Effective decision-making is the essential common ingredient behind every successful step, initiative, and strategy that people, organizations, and national governments undertake."
Ozzie Paez Research is a technical consultancy that helps leaders and their organizations thrive in technologically challenging, disruptive environments. OPR delivers insights, advise and technical services of superior quality and value that can transform disruptions into competitive opportunities. Our teams leverage experience, intellectual depth and practical scholarship to craft distinct strategic, competitive and operational solutions for distinctive clients.
We innovate proven competitive strategy frameworks and methods to support clients operating in dynamic, disruptive technological environments. These powerful tools and related services help our clients innovate with purpose by focusing their resources on delivering improved performance and competitive advantage.
Our approach and tool sets are based on experience, independent research and findings from leading universities, including MIT, Columbia and Harvard Business Schools. They reflect how many of the most successful firms around the world are thriving in the face of technology driven change. Our services make adaptation, digital transformation and value creation easier, faster and sustainable through a dedicated, four-part framework: Understand-Transform-Thrive-Disrupt
Understand: A key challenge facing organizations in coping with disruptions is in understanding the competitive implications of innovative technologies. Our team will share with you and your leadership team the latest lessons learned, research and methods for exploiting technological innovations and change. It sets the foundation to keep your organization aware of and responsive to future waves of disruptive, innovative technologies.
Transform: While disruptive innovations are the drivers of change, people are the transforming force of organizations. We’ll show you how the best performing companies in the world leverage technology and human capital to driver transformation and improve performance.
Thrive: This is the most exciting and rewarding part of the journey. We’ll share best practices, methods and strategies to exploit innovation, disruptions and change. Thrive builds on powerful synergies between technology and human capital that turn transformation into a continuous source of competitive differentiation and advantage.
Disrupt: Businesses concerned with disruptions frequently ignore their own power to disrupt. It’s a costly oversight that can easily squander opportunities to reshape their markets and gain a dominant leadership position. Innovative products and services, data capture and analysis, platform business models and Blue Ocean Strategies are not the exclusive domains of emerging competitors. We’ll help you recognize and exploit opportunities for market leadership through your own innovative, disruptive strategies, practices and technologies.
The Understand-Transform-Thrive-Disrupt framework emerged from decades of practice and experience gained in innovative, disruptive environments. It delivers a powerful, accessible approach to guide organizations through transformative processes in the pursuit of continuous advantage.
OPR's services can be structured to support major initiatives or address specific tasks via our A la Cart Practices. We match our offers to your needs. A la Cart Practices and services help us focus on more narrowly defined needs, including decision-making processes, technical systems and strategies. We can also combine these services into dedicated suites to help clients in specific industries, including energy, healthcare and information management.